War Is Evil For Any Reason - Become A Beacon Of Spiritual Light Instead On Feb. 1-2
Food For Thought
© copyrighted

War Is Evil For Any Reason
Would You Like To Become A
Beacon Of Spiritual Light Instead On Feb. 1-2
January 12th, 2003
by columnist
David Lawrence Dewey
"Reading provides knowledge...
knowledge leads to answers."
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Angel Dove

The dove, throughout history has represented love and peace. It represents purity and truth. Its' essence shows what mankind should truly being doing towards his fellow spiritual being. And that is loving one another instead of making war against each other, killing one another. Look at the beauty of the flying dove here.

The world at this time in history is in very grave danger of creating the total destruction of mankind and of our mother earth. It is not the leaders of all nations that are at fault, it is the people in those nations that are at fault.

There are those in other countries that use the phrase of "The Ugly Americans". In some respect they are correct because even though we as Americans believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all, we as a nation do not have that right to dictate that to other peoples with other cultures, plain and simple. Democracy in its' purest form, where a nation is governed by the people for the people is the most universal truth in the universe. However, our form of democracy has become corrupted by greed and the power in the hands of a few for the benefit of the few. I do not understand why most Americans cannot see that especially what has happened in our own country over the last fifty or so years.

For example, Headstart programs have been so drastically cut in this country that we now have children in America that are actually dieing from not having proper medical treatment, but yet, we are giving billions of dollars of aid to other countries like Pakistan, India, Syria, Turkey, buying them for our definition of the war on terrorism. Yes, there are terrorists that can and have done very serious crimes against humanity. But America, Americans you must begin to understand something very clearly, we cannot be the savior of the entire world of mankinds' inhumanity to mankind. We can be a light to kill the darkness in time of real need like during World War II to destroy an evil that was being created by one man, Hitler towards humanity, but we cannot and should not intervene just because "we think" someone is going to attack us. Developing this mentally only represents in truth of another dictatorship mentally as... do as I say or else.

The fault lies with the people in all countries that are oppressed. America has given too much in aid many times to the wrong forces in countries because of wanting to manipulate/control the "thinking" of that country with whoever was the most powerful at the time, regardless if the man in power was good or evil. This is evident in the support that the United States gave Iran in its' war against Irag twenty years ago. Politicians playing Gods to pursue what they perceived what they thought how men should govern themselves, at the same time greed was involved as well because of the billions of dollars certain men in America made off the profits of the WAR. Did you know that Armand Hammer during the Russian Revolution in 1917 provided money/arms and war machinery to overthrow the Russian royal family. He was in bed with the Communists making billions of dollars, yet our own government sat by and did nothing. The reason...there were certain politicians then that were also making millions of dollars off of that situation. There is basic truth in light is that every soul and man must truly understand on this earth. All men, no matter where they are on this wonderful earth has their own right to govern themselves. No one nation or nation of people or no one person has the right to say do this or else. Look at what we did to the American Indian in this country...we enslaved them on reservations and by the things we did to them, actually tried to genocide them out of existence because we thought they were less than human....yet they were here first very spiritual godly beings here in this country. Indians have a deep belief in Wankan Tanka. Wankan Tanka means God or Great Spirit in all American Indian languages. I know of these things because my Great Grandmother was a full blooded Lakota Sioux Medicine Woman. A white Buffalo was born a few years ago in South Dakota. This was prophesied hundreds of years ago by the tribe...it means that these are the final days where mankind must chose between evil and goodness and stand up for it.

Men and women in countries that are oppressed, living in poverty while their leaders live in luxury must begin to see the truth of how they are being used and lied to with the propaganda they are being told. Man must begin to see the so called truth they are being told are simply lies. How they will see this is by looking at themselves, how they are having to scratch by to even survive day to day. This goes for the standard religions on earth today as well. They teach so called spiritual truths, yet at the same time do the very things they say God does not want us to do to one another. Is that of God, is that truth of God I ask you? It is the people themselves of any society that must decide their own fate if they want to continue to live under any type of oppression or not. It is them that must fight the battles for their own rights, the cleansing of what is evil within their own societies. They can call upon others for help in this battle, but others should not become involved until they are call upon for that help to fight the evil.

American politicians have been too concerned on how the rest of the world should behaving and doing. They do this because citizens have let them. American citizens have forgotten that this is their country, they are the ones to tell the politicians what they feel is best for them, not the other way around. Instead, American has become a so called free country controlled by the wealthy and its' citizens are mere puppets being manipulated out of greed, fear and a host of other issues that Americans simply do not want to contend with. They have lost the inner essence of a moral fiber to truly do what is right to do, to stand up when needed, to say NO to politicians, enough is enough.

One out of 1,000 children in this country daily do not get enough to eat. One half of all elderly Americans are not getting the proper nutrition they should be getting because most of their income goes to high cost prescription drugs that pharmaceutical companies are literally screwing the American people by sheer greed. I could go on and on with questions, but my fellow Americans, all you have to do is open your eyes and look around, the injustices are all around you. Hello Americans, what is wrong with these pictures? Honestly answer yourself that question, and ask yourself why are you letting it to continue? Why are you putting politicians in office that do nothing to protect and preserve our own people foremost and first. Why are we giving billions of dollars of aid to Iran, Pakistan and other Arab countries, to buy them for their support in the war of terrorism, when in fact they allow schools that teach their young men to hate Americans and that all Americans are infidels and should be killed. Hello...what's wrong with this picture folks?

The horror of 911 did not have to happen. Two Presidents, both Clinton and Bush were warned in detail of the serious problems with security at airports and the mess that the Immigration Services Department were in. They were both warned in intelligence reports that something horrible would one day soon happen unless certain things were immediately corrected. You must ask yourself, why did these leaders that we put in office fail to protect us when they had the information, the warnings well in advance. If you don't honestly asked yourself that question and realize the truth of what I am speaking of, then you are a person that only loves himself and cares truly nothing about your fellow man, regardless of their race, sex, color. We are talking about what is not just right to do, we are talking about what is good to do in one is truly in the light of God, whatever definition of whatever religion man has determined God to be.

Men in all religions have become hypocrites when they preach to hate their fellow man instead of loving their fellow man. Abraham was the father of all religions and the one thing that Abraham taught and was given against my Christ, Muhammad and other Masters of other religions is the basic truth of the creation, "LOVE THEY FELLOW MAN". It's a very simple truth. Why it is is man has such a hard time living that. The real reason, the truth is...evil, evil in the essence of greed and the vanity of men wanting to become "GODS" themselves, even our own elected politicians and false religious leaders.

Mankind is not addressing the issues of mankind's serious problems before them such as global warming, the pollution of our air. Do you know that in Mexico City, they are lucky to have 100 days out of a year that their citizens do not have to go around wearing breathing masks because of the air pollution. We are cutting down the rain forests that creates 30% of the worlds oxygen at the same time losing valuable plants that could provide cures to so many diseases. Why is man doing this...GREED, pure and simple greed.

We have the technology to become energy independent in this country. A major windmill farm was suppose to be completed in 2000 in California that would have provided 18% of California's electrical needs. The funds that had been allocated from federal government grants were cut by President Bush as soon as he entered office. The present windmill farms that were completed provide only about 5% of California's electrical needs. Additional windmill farms were planned in California what would have boosted and provided the electrical needs of California to 27% in ten years. Other windmill farms and solar energy projects across the country were also cut that would have provided up to 22% of the electrical needs of this country. This would have dropped our dependence on foreign oil by 80%. Furthermore, the Bush administration has reversed air quality pollution requirements for corporations. In addition, the Bush Adminstration would refused to sign the Kyoko agreement on global warming standards. Hello again Americans...what's wrong with this picture?

I am going to close this column with an URGENT SPIRITUAL PLEA to my readers worldwide and in America.

If anything that I have said in this column has made any sense, even one small ring of truth telling you so from your higher inner spiritual self, I want you to do something. I want you to copy and paste the following paragraph below and start sending it to your family and friends everywhere and ask them to pass it on. I want this email to circumvent the globe throughout all countries and peoples everywhere by Feb. 1st. It speaks of a simple truth and to ask everyone on certain day(s) to do a certain thing. By doing this, NASA with its' use of photo satellites will be able to photograph this event from space. It will be the unspoken but true message from the majority of mankind on earth. This can be done if you have faith and can become a light yourself onto the world to make a difference, to stand up and say, I see the truth, here is my light, here is my faith, here is my word shining brightly.

Here is the paragraph, please copy and begin to spread the light of healing all over the world.

My Dear Friends and Family Members:

I am writing to you my friend because I have come to see how very ill our world has become. I am concerned we have forgotten how to love one another. I am also against any type of war for any reason, because if I truly believe in my religious/spiritual teachings, harm no one, thy shall not kill, love they fellow man, them I must let my light shine to the heavens and begin to live this. On Saturday and Sunday, February 1st and 2nd, 2003, a spiritual event worldwide will take place. I , along with millions like me across the globe will be driving out away from the cities into the darkness with two candles. We will light these two candles and hold them up to the heavens to say, "NO WAR - LOVE THY FELLOW MAN".

We will need millions to do this so it can be seen from space and photographed, so please join me.

This event will start worldwide beginning in the United States on Saturday, February 1st at these times:

Based on United States times:

8PM Pacific time, 9PM Mountain Time, 10PM Midwestern Time, 11PM Eastern Time.

In Europe, Asia, Russia, China, South Pacific, Australia, you will be a day later, the nite of February 2nd in most cities, you will need to calculate what time that will be in your time zones.


Peoples in each city will start posting in messages boards on the internet a specific place in their areas where to meet for this event. We will work together in our communities to decide on a specific place.

A Message Board Group has been set up in YAHOO GROUPS at this URL:

You will have to register with YAHOO to post and read message in the group.

The Group name is : spirit event

The Group home page is : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/spirit event

Go to that message board group and start posting message from your cities to coordinate this event as to a place to meet outside your cities away from the lights. Start a message, name it, "YOUR CITY - FEB. LIGHT EVENT" This is how the places will be coordinated for cities for this event worldwide among ourselves to know where to meet. But it will have to be a place away from enough away from the city lights of the city to be seen from space. We have only three weeks worldwide to make this happen, so begin tonite. Even post this entire message in these message boards for others to read.

Let us as human beings, as spiritual humans beings in whatever faith, religion, belief, in whatever God we have, truly begin to live by the universal teaching among all faiths and that is, LOVE THEY FELLOW MAN. No more killing of our fellow man, no more wars, no more hunger, no more of men living like Gods while many live in poverty and die from starvation. No more disease, we must turn out energies to goodness, not evil.

Let us make this a global event, send this to your friends, family and keep the spirit moving with this message to the heavens in movement of prayer by lighting two candles. NASA satellites will be able to photograph this from space at nite. Let us as spiritual beings make those that govern us know that we, the majority of spiritual beings on this planet are tired of the inhumanity to mankind, we are tired of killing our fellow spiritual beings, we want, we demand peace on earth. Let it be so, let the spirit move you to make this happen. Christ and many other religious teachers have said taught basically one simple truth, "love they fellow man and let there peace and good will towards all men". If we are truly spiritual beings, we will see the simple truth in that and will let our light shine on this nite.

And let it be known to all politicians, all leaders that govern us all over the world, we are speaking from our spirits, we are speaking from our hearts and minds, we will no longer accept the madness you have created for us. Your time is at end. We are taking back what is our spiritually to have, given to us from our creator. You will no longer deprive that of us.

My friend or family member, please find the time, take the time to see why this is so important to do for ourselves and especially now at this time on earth.

Please copy and paste this and help to begin the spiritual healing of mankind on earth. All it takes is one small voice to begin....you have heard from one small voice speaking to your inner spirit....continue this message of spiritual truth.

As I said earlier, if anything has made any sense to you deep with your spirit, forgetting what any man has told you of how you live, believe in God, of what you should be doing...you will see the true spiritual truth I am speaking of here. You will see how you can become a light for the Creator of us all and begin the healing of our ourselves and of our Mother Earth.

I will leave you my readers with that. Search deeply within your inner recesses of your heart and mind. Miracles do happen.

~ God Bless ~

~ David Lawrence Dewey ~

Please let me hear from you my readers that you will begin to shine as lights onto the world. Please use this form to contact me.

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