If You Would Like To Help in Spreading The Word
About These Deadly Oils In The Food Supply

Simply copy and paste this letter into an email
and send to at least ( 10 ) of your friends/relatives
You'll be helping to save them serious health problems!

Dear Friend or Relative:

I have just read the most informative well researched health article I have ever read with actual medical research studies to read.
Author and Syndicated columnist, David Lawrence Dewey's,
"Hydrogenated Oils-Silent Killers".
The website address is: http://www.dldewey.com/hydroil.htm

Did you know that these oils cause diabetes type II, increase breast cancers 40%, cause
autoimmune diseases, cause 30,000 premature deaths a year due to coronary heart disease, a
53% increase according to a recent study by Dr. Willett at Harvard Medical School. They have
been in the food supply for 40 years and this is the reason why all of these diseases have increased
at alarming rate of over 1000%. Diabetes type II was un-heard of before the introduction of these
oils in the food supply 40 years ago. The medical community had to name it for it did not exist
then. Mr. Dewey provides extensive research documentation and explaining along with links to
the actual research done listing over 125 studies at Harvard Medical, The Helsinki Institute and
other medical research facilities that prove how deadly these oils are to the body. He also
provides links to email addresses of our Congressmen to write to get the FDA to get these oils
out of our food supply which they have ignored. He also provides links to the major news media
outlets to write, email the Presidents asking why the major news media is not reporting on this.
The reason, the networks are scared in losing hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising from
food companies if they did. You should also not only email your concerns, but send a printout of
your email with your name, address and telephone and mail via U.S. mail to your Congressmen
and the Food Companies. Doing both will have more impact!

Check your labels at the grocery store for these oils. They will be listed as hydrogenated oils, or
partially hydrogenated oils, or mono-diglycerides, the latter being the new name the food
companies have started using to fool us again. Avoid these foods at all costs. Ask to speak with
the store manager and tell the manager you wants foods in that do not contain these oils. Do not
eat at food establishments that use these oils, ask the manager. And by all means, avoid fast foods
places, french fries, etc. McDonald's, Burger King and others are not as healthy as you thought to
eat at. These foods are loaded with these deadly oils. If you have children you are slowly giving
them diabetes type II and you don't even know it.

And last but least, please copy this entire email that you have received and send it to at least (10) or
more friends. We need to help Mr. Dewey in getting the word out to the American Consumer,
our very lives are at stake here. Our own government is letting this occur, we must act and do
something today!

I know after reading Mr. Dewey's article that you will thank God you did, especially if you are
having health problems. And even if you are not, stop eating foods with these oils to prevent you
from acquiring deadly health problems.

Health tip: Buy breads, crackers at health foods stores, that do not contain hydrogenated oils or mono-diglycerides which are the same thing. Ask your grocery to start carrying
them, or make your own at home with a bread maker. Also, avoid any juices or foods sweetened
with high fructose corn syrup...this will cause diabetes type II also. Select only 100% naturally
sweetened juices. You will pay a little more for foods without these deadly additives/oils but isn't
your health more important!

Remember...email this entire email to at least (10) or more friends/relatives.
Please do not change any part of this email, simply cut, copy and paste into your email this entire

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Updated February 28th, 2001
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