Food For Thought
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The Impact Of Technology Advancements
Upon Our Lives
February, 1997
by columnist
David Lawrence Dewey

"Reading provides knowledge...
knowledge leads to answers."
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If you are reading this column on your computer via the internet, this is something that no one would have thought possible even five or ten years ago. The idea of this technological capability was there, however it was not a reality. And it is this and similar ever increasing faster technological advancements that are changing our lives not every two to five years, but progressing to changes now every six months or so.

Other examples of technological advancements are these. Three-dimensional MRI images for health care providers. Cell phones which are now one half the size they were two years ago and with call identification, call waiting and call forwarding. Ovens for your kitchen that talk to you. Computers that not only talk to you, but you can talk to them and give them instructions. The unraveling of the human genetic code is opening doors for cures of major diseases. Automobiles that talk to you and you talk to them. Mapping systems for your automobiles from satellites. And the list goes on and on. All you have to do is look around. You will see the technological advancements that are making life easier, saving time and finding answers to the unknowns. But at what price is the human race paying for these advancements?

Beth, 55, from Kansas City wrote, "All the new technological advancements are making our lives easier, but I believe we are paying a greater price that we want to acknowledge."

Are we paying the price by losing the rain forests that produce nearly 30% of the world's oxygen? Did you know that our total oxygen volume density per air volume has decreased three precent in the last five years due to this. They estimate by the end of the century, it will be approximately eleven percent. And what about all the ELF'S that computers, cell phones, microwave transmissions release? They have recently discovered that ELF'S from these sources are very harmful to the body. Pregnant women in the first four months of pregnancy are advised not to sit in front of a computer for more than an hour at a time. Researchers have discovered that the human brain waves, alpha, beta, theta and delta are actually electrical frequencies that can be altered by these devices.

Martin, 48, from Los Angeles wrote, "There are so many sources now that are using our social security numbers. They are used to keep track of all sorts of information about us on computers that anyone that is a hacker can get to. It bothers me that so many people could have access to information about me."

Our social security number was never suppose to be used for any other identification purposes. As a matter of fact, it was written as a law, but has been ignored. Credit bureaus keep track of information using the number. State license bureaus use it. The Internal Revenue Service and all government agencies use it. How did we let this happen? Maybe we were too busy living the American dream and believing in what the politicians were telling us of what they were doing to protect our privacy.

Did you know that if you have a unpaid health bill, that hospitals and doctors that turn over these bills for collection to collection agencies are in some cases releasing the diagnosis codes of your illness? That's true folks!

During World Ware II, the use of an identification number was used, actually stamped on people to keep track of them. There is no difference between that and what is being done today. The only difference is, we are not being killed...yet.

It may sound that I am very anti-government. The truth is I'm very pro government. I am a proud American who believes in the Constitution that our forefathers gave us which states, "The pursuit of life, liberty and justice". It is obvious that we have allowed our elected officials to erode each one of those principles. Without laws to govern a society, there cannot be a society. Corrupted laws can only be passed by corrupted officials. This is evident in our air quality legislation and so many other areas of our government.

Do you know why Congress cannot pass the balanced budget bill? The reason is because of one thing and one thing only. It has blocked the measure every time from passing. Republicans want the social security funds, ( and the IOU'S that the government has borrowed from the funds which are billions) to be included in the budgetary figures to balance the budget. Another words, with the social security funds included, it decreases what is our actual debt and gives the politicians more money to give out to pork barrel projects. The Democrats want the funds excluded, which they should be. If this one situation of what one political group is trying to do doesn't tell you in simple language what their overall views of how to run the government are, then I don't know what I can say to convince you of that. God help us all. I pray the American people will wake up and see politicians, whether they be Republican or Democrat, for what most of them are, self serving.

Today, mankind in the world is benefiting from the marvelous technological advancements that have occurred over the last ten years. However, there are people that are actually starting to die from them. Mankind is on the verge of a major medical crisis regarding the use of antibiotics to fight infections. The overuse of anti-biotics, especially to children over the last ten years, have caused viruses, bacteria to mutated to such a point, that there are now over forty known bacteria's that can only be treated by one known antibiotic, and that is Roseflyn. Roseflyn is a very expensive ( $75-$100.00 a shot) last 4th generation antibiotic we have on hand to fight these deadly new bacteria's. There are also now identified, seven to nine additional bacterial that are not treatable by any known antibiotic. There are people in England that have lost limbs from a new type of skin bacterial infection that is un-treatable.

Joyce, 38, from Denver wrote, "I lost my eleven old boy last year due to a new bacterial strain that infected his lungs. Prior to this, my son was antibiotic to death by doctors, treating him for infections. This time, there was no antibiotic that could save him. What have we done to ourselves....created a hell on earth?

Joyce wrote something very interesting. Mankind can use their intelligence to bring new advancements to benefit mankind, but it also uses it to created a hell on earth. I believe we have already begun the process. I hope that it is not too late. This statement may sound like a dooms day prophesy to many, but folks, take a real hard look around of what is really happening in the world and our lives. Could we truly be slowly creating a hell that is going to raise up one day and destroy us someday?

I remember something that a very wise elderly person told me about twenty years ago. Evelyn was her name, one of my former school teachers. She said one day to me, "You know David, one day, mankind is going to wish they didn't invent this or that, because one day, we are not going to be able to breathe the air, drink the water, and most important, not be able to see what we should be seeing." The last part of her statement puzzled me, for it didn't really agree with the other two reasons. I asked her what she meant. She explained, "Sometimes we humans fool ourselves into believing something is good because it makes life easier for us or does something else that makes us feel good. What we don't see sometimes is the price that we will eventually have to pay for it, because we are too arrogant to look ahead." God rest Evelyn, I believe that she had much insight into life. She passed away five years ago, but the last time I visited her, I said to her, "Sure is true what you shared with me about twenty years ago." I wish she could have shared it with you my readers then.

Regardless of my opinions on this subject matter, the truth of the matter is, we really haven't looked before we have jumped into something or started using doing something as a society. A prime example of that is how we have handled our political responsibility as a nation over the last forty years. We have brought much of what government should not be down upon our heads. Simply because we did not look at the things we should have. Hopefully we have all learned and are still learning. I know I am. Yes, we are heading into the 21st Century, but as one elected official has stated, "Let's build that bridge together". That is very true, we must build new bridges. Folks, I feel we need to watch how we are building our bridges, we've made too many errors in the past. I think you will will probably agree.

My next column is going to be about the use of holistic treatments, herbs, vitamins, etc. in the treatment of illnesses. I invite you my readers to write me with any secrets you may have found, what you have tried, what has worked and what hasn't.

~ David Lawrence Dewey ~

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